

Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH

Schachen 57
8212 Pischelsdorf, Austria

T +43 3113 5100 0
F +43 3113 5100 59

Sediul social: Pischelsdorf, Austria

Numărul de înregistrare: 74318 t

Numărul de identificare fiscală a vânzărilor: ATU19111805

Instanță: Regional Court Graz

Webdesign & programming: Stefan Haas
Pictures: internal, Mathias Kniepeiss, Bernd Niederwieser, Marija Kanizaj

BM Rosendahl battery prouduction laboratory


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Rosendahl Nextrom is a global leader in battery, cable & wire and optical fiber production technologies whose goal is to connect your needs with our technology. Quality, customization, product know-how and close cooperation with our partners are our core values.
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