your apprenticeship, that builds the future.
Diverse apprenticeships at Rosendahl Nextrom in a wide range of areas
apprenticeship in Pischelsdorf
Every year, numerous apprentices start their professional life with us in Pischelsdorf in Eastern Styria. We are aware of our responsibility and provide you with the best possible training. With heart, hand, and mind.
What is an apprenticeship in Austria? In Austria, the apprenticeship system is designed to cultivate a skilled workforce. It involves vocational training and dual education. This system encourages young people, typically mid-teens, to learn first-hand. The idea behind this approach is to provide a comprehensive education that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical experience, ensuring a well-rounded skill set for successful career development.
In Pischelsdorf, we offer numerous apprenticeships in technical and commercial professions. Electrical engineering, metal technology (main module machining or mechanical engineering), industrial clerk, company logistics clerk or information technology. We want it to fit – for you and your future. We currently employ over 470 people. As one of the largest employers in the Hartberg / Weiz / Gleisdorf region, we are looking for more people and, above all, apprentices who want to work on the technologies of the future.
The number and types of apprenticeships vary from year to year. It’s best to keep an eye on our vacancies:
How you can find out more about our apprenticeship program
Get to know us. Decide for yourself which of the options suits you best. There are a lot of opportunities.
Would you like to work with us, but want to get an impression of what it’s like? You are welcome to join us for a first taste and experience everyday life in Pischelsdorf. Depending on your age and school level, we will be happy to put together an individual trial program for you.
If you would like to apply for an internship or a summer position, please send us your application via our job portal by the end of January at the latest. Select the position that suits you best. As the number of positions available is limited, we cannot respond positively to all applications. However, we will do our best to find you a suitable position.
We are always happy to introduce our company to interested students. That’s why we are happy to take part in initiatives such as Take Tech or Girls Day and always try to make time for other school visit requests.
We often attend job fairs and recruitment events to introduce ourselves to potential new employees. You can get to know us personally there.
Fixed dates for us are the recruiting days of the HTL Weiz and Pinkafeld, as well as BULME Graz and Kaindorf / Sulm. We also always take part in the ibi Jobday in Weiz.
more on our apprenticeship program
On our german page, we provide you with additional information and a description of our potential jobs
your benefits of our apprenticeships
so that it really suits you
attractive working hours
As an apprentice in production, you finish at around 2 p.m., in the office you have flexible working hours. Either way, you'll have plenty of time for friends and hobbies.
top payment
We have the collective agreement for the metalworking industry. Meaning, as an apprentice at Rosendahl Nextrom, you can look forward to good pay. For example, 1 000 euros in the 1st year of your apprenticeship.
We will turn you into a skilled worker. Whether it's additional training (e.g. forklift course, English course) or an internship abroad. Your success is our passion.
you want more?
With pleasure! We offer you the option of an apprenticeship with a school-leaving certificate (Matura) and / or training as a foreman. Everything is possible if you want it.
Apprenticeships for tomorrow's products
Every day we use products that our customers produce on our machines: cell phones, internet, charging cables, car and motorcycle batteries and much more.
products for the future
The machines we manufacture serve three strategic fields: Energy, communication and mobility. Our systems create products that have become indispensable today.
Cables produced on our systems supply the world with energy. We build the systems for the corresponding batteries at the same time.
What would the world be without smartphones or the internet? Our customers produce optical fibers and communication cables for a networked world on our systems.
Modern mobility can no longer do without two things. Energy storage and cables. We supply both industries with our high-tech systems.
Your apprenticeship at Rosendahl Nextrom
we take time for you
We take care of our apprentices. At the beginning of your job with us, you will receive a personal training program tailored to your position. We also have around 25 other apprentices who you can talk to and change ideas with. They can also provide you with advice and support at any time.
Manuel Lebenbauer, Apprenticeship officer
You can find all current vacancies and apprenticeships on our job portal.
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