4th Graz Battery Days
September 21st, 2022
A great opportunity to exchange on lithium-ion battery topics, with a particular focus on the tools helping to address the challenges of lithium-ion battery technology.
4th Graz Battery Days
International electrochemical energy storage experts came together.
This two-day meeting, which was organized by VARTA Innovation GmbH and Fraunhofer, was a great opportunity for all of the attendees to exchange on lithium-ion battery topics.
With a particular focus on the tools helping to address the challenges of lithium-ion battery technology there were two main topics:
- advanced analytic tools for material and cell investigation
- analytic tools and sensors in cell and battery pack production
here for you - as part of IPCEI EuBatIn
We stand for innovation and quality and love to inspire our partners
As a direct participant of IPCEI Batteries („Important Project of Common European Interest“) and its division “EuBatIn – European Battery Innovation we are always striving to bring in our knowledge, expertise and resources when it comes to battery production. This does not only apply to our own developments and machine concepts.
Working with the racing students and supporting them with our expertise and laser welding technology, has once again made us realise how important the willingness to innovate is.
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